We may also be interested in purchasing your equipment. This listing is for 1 x FULL kit for 51 (fifty one). Up for sale is KLH restoration kit. This kit includes FULL restoration kit.
The scarcity of good, honest techs who can do a good and reasonably priced restoration/rebuild of audio equipment (especially tube gear) made me start offering this restoration kit. In today's day and age it is very hard to come by a knowledgeable tech who can service your audio gear well. I have seen many poor quality restoration of equipment that cost way too much to its owners. In 99% of the cases there were only few parts replaced, instead of a full and proper restoration job.On the other hand, if one succeeded in finding a good tech, a wait time is usually 6-12 months for the unit to be serviced. In this kit I offer parts for a full/complete restoration of your audio equipment.
I have been servicing audio equipment for many years and have developed deep respect toward all good equipment, especially tube gear. I really do think they sound amazing if properly restored.I have seen many bad quality restorations/fix jobs done to these units that made them sound cheap and very low quality. Knowing how amazing and warm these units can sound, I have decided to develop this kit to help you do a great job on your equipment. It includes very good upgrades and improvements that MUST be done to the unit. Please do your audio equipment a favor and replace the most important components that are most likely 90% dead.
Power / Filter stage caps are those large silver cans mounted on top of the chassis and sometimes underneath. This restoration pack will make a huge difference in the sound quality. All the parts are of high quality Japanese Nichicon / Nippon / IC / United Chemi capacitors. Knowing how many bogus/fake caps, diodes, resistors etc.Out there, I source all the parts from reputable. Please be patient and let's get your little birdy sing again. Included in this kit: 1.
Power/Filter stage upgrade with authentic. Nichicon / Nippon / IC / United Chemi. Detailed instruction with colorful images, schematics, manuals (all of these are in electronic form, I consider these much better than printed version due to zoom availability). Complete audio path upgrade with high quality US made (IC) or Nippon audio grade film capacitors.Parts for compete recap of all the electrolytic capacitors. LED dial and indicator bulbs 10. Also available NEW production volume control -----------> LINK. A full recap of all the PCBs.